Tuesday, 19 July 2011

PAKET 30 : Presonus Studio One Pro v1.5.2

Presonus Studio One Pro v1.5.
Updated ditambah 2 Video Tutorialnya 

Salah satu Software Terbaik yg Recommended
Buat yg pake Mac ini yg paling mantab sekelas dgn Nuendo / Cubase
Buat yg pake PC ini cocok bgt buat kerjaan Audio Visual

Bisa utk semua jenis Soundcard

Tampilan mantap buat proyek Audio Visual

Foto penggunaan  EZ Drummer di Presonus Studio One Pro v1.5.2

Welcome to Studio One

Artists of all levels, from beginner to seasoned professional, will find
Studio One a serious alternative to the intimidating, bloated offerings
currently considered the standards.It’s a groundbreaking music creation
and production application for Mac OS X and Windows XP/Vista/7 that makes
audio recording, MIDI sequencing, and audio mastering ridiculously simple
right out of the box.

Studio One changes the rules of the game with fresh code, innovative drag
-and-drop MIDI mapping and plug-in management, auto-configuration with
PreSonus hardware, insanely good audio quality, unlimited tracks and plug
-ins per track, and a powerful, inventive Start page.

And although Studio One Pro hit the scene just months ago we’ve already
added even still more pro chops with Version 1.5. From tracking to mixing
to mastering and distribution, it’s the creative environment built for
intuitive use, speed, and efficiency–and yet it’s robust enough for the
most complex productions.


Elegant single-window work environment

Powerful drag-and-drop functionality

Unlimited audio tracks, MIDI tracks, virtual instruments, buses, and FX

Content Browser with convenient sort options and preview player

Automatic delay compensation

Advanced automation

32-bit audio processing

Easy-to-use sidechain routing

Stunning virtual instruments

User-friendly sampler

Most intuitive MIDI-mapping system available

Real-time audio timestretching and resampling
K-System metering
Compatible with any ASIO-, Windows Audio-, or Core Audio-compliant audio
Works with key commands from Pro Tools, Cubase, and Logic.

Ditambah 2 Video Tutorialnya biar langsung bisa pakenya
dari Dasar sampe Mahir
Jadi ga perlu bingung & ragu lg

Ini dia kelebihan - kelebihan yg dimiliki oleh DAW Presonus Studio One ini yg di copas dari salah satu forum di internet :
  • Karena software ini baru saja dibuat bbrp thn belakangan (versi 1 rilis thn 2009), sang developer punya amunisi banyak utk hanya mengambil fasilitas yang penting bagi user dari DAW-DAW lain. Juga developer bekerja dengan programming language yg efisien (DAW lain hanya penembangan dari programming language thn yg lama).
  • Satu-satunya DAW di dunia ini (per Nov 2011) yang bisa mixing sekalgus mastering dalam satu software. DAW lain butuh sofware lain yang terpisah utk mastering. Ini berarti workflow yg efisien, gak perlu repot2 export, import kalo ada revisi mixing saat mau mastering Bahkan dia bisa langsung published lagu kita ke internet via Soundcloud atau format audio lain yg web-friendly
  • Anda bekerja dalam satu window saja. Tapi tetap bbrp bagian layar bisa dilepas / di taruh di lcd monitor kedua
  • Track audio, MIDI, Virtual Instruments, Bus & FX channels tidak terbatas !
  • Bekerja dgn sistem drag & drop yg powerful !
  • Ringan dan intuitif...apa yang di DAW lain butuh 3-6 langkah, di S1 hanya perlu 1-2 langkah / klik saja
  • Tidak ada ribuan fasilitas yang tidak diperlukan spt pada DAW lain...Yg ada fasilitas yg benar2 kita perlukan...semuanya ada di 1 layar, gak ada layar bertumpuk2
  • Kalau sudah nyoba S1, biasanya jadi nyandu (karena simple sedangkan di DAW lain ribet suribet)
Beberapa Fitur Utama Studio One 
  • Semua proses produksi musik dilakukan di satu software mulai dari recording, editing, mixing hingga mastering bahkan publish ke internet...gak perlu pindah2 software = workflow yg efisien !
  • Fasilitas edit pitch langsung di audio editornya menggunakan Melodyne (bukan via insert plugin spt DAW lain)
  • Fasilitas Transient Detection yang memudahkan untuk memperbaiki timing hasil take audio = quantize audio (DAW lain juga bisa tapi ribeeet)
  • Mau take vokal atau instrumen dgn teknik Loop Recording akan memudahkan Anda mengedit & memilih hasil take yg terbaik !
  • Editing lintas track secara bersamaan (multitrack MIDI editing)
  • Engine audio & plugin yg udah 64 bit
  • Plugin bawaan yang tersedia utk mixing maupun mastering berkualitas bagus & dibantu dgn visual yang menarik...bisa mixing dgn telinga & mata
  • Support plugin format VST v2.4, VST v3, Audio Unit (AU) dan ReWire.
  • Support soundcard dgn driver ASIO, WDM, Windows Audio & Core Audio.
  • DAW pertama yang mengimplementasikan metering Bob Katz atau K-Metering utk mastering lagu
  • Manajemen track yg simple !
  • Bisa langsung burn jadi CD Audio langsung dari Studio One !
  • Bisa lagsung upload ke Soundcloud atau jadi file audio format yang kompatibel utk web / internet !
  • Dan masih banyak lagi keunggulan lainnya....oh ya...gak berat softwarenya utk komputer yg pas2an, simple tanpa windows bertumpuk2

Harganya juga sudah sangat murah

Untuk pesan lihat di Tab Cara Memesan

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Software Musik , Sound Banks, Refills Non Paket

Disini terdapat software yang bukan paketan
Anda dapat membeli sofware yg ada dibawah ini secara Per judul
Harga Per DVD Rp.12,500,-
Harganya tidak naik tapi minimum ordernya jadi 10 buah, bonusnya tetep dapet.
Beli 10 DVD dapat Bonus 1 , berlaku kelipatannya.

Utk memesan Software yg ada di daftar ini ,di smsnya masukkan Kode pesanannya SNP dan juga nomer urutnya.
Jadi anda tdk perlu capek2 nulis judulnya, cukup ketik Kode SNP dan Nomer Urutnya saja.
Contoh SMS : Pesan : " SNP 1,10,110" dst..

Daftarnya :
  1. Ableton.Suite.v8.1 + Ableton Suite Instruments PC MAC1DVD
  2. AcousticsampleS Bassysm-J MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  3. Adobe Audition 3.0 PC 1DVD
  4. Apple Logic 9 Studio MAC (Full Plugin +Update) 17 DVD
  5. Art Vista Virtual Grand Piano KONTAKT PC 2DVD
  6. Atelier Robin Natural Drum Kit MULTIFORMAT 5DVD
  7. Avid Pro Tools HD 9.0 MAC 1DVD
  8. Band In A Box 2010 [Non-Library] PC 1DVD
  9. Bardstown Bosendorfer Imperial Grand 24bit EXS24 HALion Kontakt 1DVD
  10. BBC Sound Effects Library Vol 1 & 2 WAV11DVD
  11. Bela D Media Acoustic Bass Guitar 1DVD
  12. Bela D Media Anthology Celtic Wind Vol 1 DLV 1DVD
  13. Bela D Media Anthology Celtic Wind Vol 2 DLV 1DVD
  14. Bela D Media Anthology Spiritual Wind Vol. 1 1DVD
  15. Bela D Media Anthology Spiritual Wind Vol. 2 1DVD
  16. Bela D Media Diva Classical Female Soloist v1.1 GIGA 1DVD
  17. Bela D Media - Lyrical Distortion - LD1 1DVD
  18. Bela D Media Diva Revamp 1DVD
  19. Bela D Media Retro Flute KONTAKT 1DVD
  20. Bela D Media Retro Flute MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  21. Bela D Media Sampled Landscape Ambient World 1DVD
  22. Bela D Media Shadows of Luminocity Vol 1 1DVD
  23. Bela D Media Vocal Tool Soprano 1DVD
  24. Bela D Media Vocal Tools Bundle MULTIFORMAT (Native,Soprano,Tennor) 1DVD
  25. Bela D Media Vocal Tools The Tennor v2 KONTAKT WAV 1DVD
  26. Best Service Accordeon KONTAKT 1DVD
  27. Best Service Artist Complete KOMPAKT INTAKT 3DVD
  28. Best Service Blazin RnB and HipHop Collection Vol.2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  29. Best Service Chris Hein Bass KONTAKT 4DVD
  30. Best Service Chris Hein Guitar KONTAKT 5DVD
  31. Best Service Complete Urban Flava 1DVD
  32. Best Service Convolution Space KONTAKT 2DVD
  33. Best Service Drums Overkill KONTAKT 1DVD
  34. Best Service Ethno World 4 Pro KONTAKT3DVD
  35. Best Service Galaxy II K4 Steinway KONTAKT 2DVD
  36. Best Service Galaxy II K4 Vienna Grand KONTAKT 2DVD
  37. Best Service Galaxy Vintage D 2DVD
  38. Best Service Halls Of Fame Impulse Response Collection AIFF WAV 2DVD
  39. Best Service Latin World KONTAKT 2DVD
  40. Best Service Orient World KONTAKT2DVD
  42. Best Service Studio Box Vol.1 Nature WAV 1DVD
  43. Best Service Studio Box Vol.2 Human WAV 1DVD
  44. Best Service Studio Box Vol.3 Technical WAV 1DVD
  45. Best Service Studio Box Vol.4 Special WAV 1DVD
  46. Big Fish Audio - Acid Jazz City MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  47. Big Fish Audio - African Rhythms WAV 1DVD
  48. Big Fish Audio - Brain One Stroke Done MULTI FORMAT2DVD
  49. Big Fish Audio - Cinematic Sound Design MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  50. Big Fish Audio - Classic Rock MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  51. Big Fish Audio - Club Hip Hop REX RMX WAV AIFF1DVD
  52. Big Fish Audio - Complete RnB AIFF 1DVD
  53. Big Fish Audio - Dancevolution MULTI FORMAT 1DVD
  54. Big Fish Audio - Dread Roots Reggae REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  55. Big Fish Audio - Earth Tone REX 1DVD
  56. Big Fish Audio - Electri-Fried Blues MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  57. Big Fish Audio - Elemental Studio Percussion MULTIFORMAT 3DVD
  58. Big Fish Audio - Epic Drums REX RMX WAV ACID 1DVD
  59. Big Fish Audio - Found Percussion MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  60. Big Fish Audio - Funk City REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  61. Big Fish Audio - Funk City Vol.2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  62. Big Fish Audio - Funk University REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  63. Big Fish Audio - G-Strings MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  64. Big Fish Audio - G-Suite MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  65. Big Fish Audio - Ghetto Metal MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  66. Big Fish Audio - Glitch Hop REX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  67. Big Fish Audio - Greg Adams' Big Band Brass AIFF WAV ACID 1DVD
  68. Big Fish Audio - Hadeeth Arabic Rhythms 2 REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  69. Big Fish Audio - Heart of the City MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  70. Big Fish Audio - Heat Seekers REX RMX WAV AIFF 2DVD
  71. Big Fish Audio - Hip Hop And Soul Guitar Pak REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  72. Big Fish Audio - Hip Hop High REX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  73. Big Fish Audio - Indian Traditions REX RMX WAV 1DVD
  74. Big Fish Audio - Jazz Quartet REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  75. Big Fish Audio - LA Bass Sessions REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  76. Big Fish Audio - Latin Jazz REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  77. Big Fish Audio - Loopalicious RNB 2 REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  78. Big Fish Audio - Loopalicious RnB REX WAV ACID 1DVD
  79. Big Fish Audio - Mariachi MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  80. Big Fish Audio - Metric Odd Meter Drumloops MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  81. Big Fish Audio - Modern Rock AIFF 1DVD
  82. Big Fish Audio - Neo Soul 2 REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  83. Big Fish Audio - Notorious Hip Hop and RnB MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  84. Big Fish Audio - Nu Jazz City Vol.2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  85. Big Fish Audio - Nu Metal City 2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  86. Big Fish Audio - Off The Hook 3 REX RMX WAV AIFF 3DVD
  87. Big Fish Audio - Performance Loops - Acoustic Guitars WAV ACID 1DVD
  88. Big Fish Audio - Philtre Labs Bollywood Elements MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  89. Big Fish Audio - Philtre Labs Bollywood Loops MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  90. Big Fish Audio - Plush MULTIFORMAT 3DVD
  91. Big Fish Audio - Pop N Soul Guitars MULTIFORMAT 3DVD
  92. Big Fish Audio - Primal Drums MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  93. Big Fish Audio - Prosonus The Orchestral Collection 1DVD
  94. Big Fish Audio - Punk & Indie Rock: Slammin Sounds of So-Cal REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  95. Big Fish Audio - Radio Waves REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  96. Big Fish Audio - Raging Guitars KONTAKT 3DVD
  97. Big Fish Audio - Revolucion Reggaeton MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  98. Big Fish Audio - RNB Swagga MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  99. Big Fish Audio - Rock Bass REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  100. Big Fish Audio - Rock Star REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  101. Big Fish Audio - Rush 2: Progressive House REX RMX WAV AIFF ACID 1DVD
  102. Big Fish Audio - Rush: Progressive House & Trance WAV REX AIFF 1DVD
  103. Big Fish Audio - Silky Smooth R&B MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  104. Big Fish Audio - Smooth n Sexy RnB Guitar Pak MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  105. Big Fish Audio - Stratos WAV1DVD
  106. Big Fish Audio - Suite Grooves MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  107. Big Fish Audio - Symphonic Manoeuvres 2 MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  108. Big Fish Audio - Symphonic Manoeuvres REX RMX WAV AIFF 2DVD
  109. Big Fish Audio - Syntron-X REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  110. Big Fish Audio - West Coast Hip Hop Pak REX RMX WAV AIFF 1DVD
  111. Brickwall Audio Deviant Atmospheres KONTAKT 1DVD
  112. Bunker 8 Digital Labs Downtempo Darkness 2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  113. Bunker 8 Digital Labs Downtempo Darkness 3 MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  114. Bunker 8 Downtempo Darkness Ultra Bundle MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  115. Cakewalk Guitar Tracks Pro v3.0 PC 1DVD
  116. Cakewalk Music Creator v. PC 1DVD
  117. Camel Audio Alchemy Expansion Bundle 1DVD
  118. Camel Audio Factory Presets Vol.1-3 Camel Audio Alchemy EXPANSION 1DVD
  119. Cinematic Strings Monster Staccatos KONTAKT 1DVD
  120. Cinematic Strings Pro Edition KONTAKT 5DVD
  121. Cinematique Instruments Percussion Chimes WAV NKI 1DVD
  122. CineSamples Cineharp KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
  123. CineSamples CineOrch KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
  124. CineSamples CineToms MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  125. CineSamples CineToms Vol.2 KONTAKT 1DVD
  126. CineSamples Deep Percussion Beds WAV KONTAKT 2DVD
  127. CineSamples Drum Of War 2 KONTAKT PC MAC 2DVD
  128. CineSamples Drums Of War MULTIFORMAT PC MAC 1DVD
  129. CineSamples Hollywoodwinds WAV KONTAKT 1DVD
  130. CineSamples Kontakt Design Vol.1 Metallurgy KONTAKT 1DVD
  131. Cockos Reaper 3.35 x32&x64Bit PC 1DVD
  132. Drumagog Platinum 5 PC 1DVD
  133. E-MU Modern Symphonic Orchestra EMULATOR X PROTEUS X PC 2DVD
  134. East West Percussive Adventures 2 KONTAKT PC 1DVD
  135. Eastwest Percussive Adventures 2 LE KONTAKT PC 1DVD
  136. Essential Death & Horror Sound Effects Vol.1 WAV1DVD
  137. EWQL Guitar and Bass GIGA 1DVD
  138. EWQL PMI Bosendorfer 290 KONTAKT PC MAC1DVD
  139. EWQL Stormbreakz KONTAKT PC1DVD
  140. EWQL StormDrum Intakt & Kompakt 2DVD
  141. EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Hardcore Bass Pro XP 1DVD
  142. EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Platinum KONTAKT PC MAC 19DVD
  143. EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Platinum Pro XP KONTAKT PC 18DVD
  144. EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Silver Edition KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
  145. EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Silver PRO XP KONTAKT PC 1DVD
  146. EWQL Voices of the Apocalypse KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
  147. Finale 2011 MAC 1DVD
  148. Fixed Noise OTTO KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
  149. Fixed Noise Rhythm Objekt KONTAKT 1DVD
  150. fxPansion Geist v1.0.0 PC 1DVD
  151. fxPansion Guru VSTi AU RTAS v1.6 PC MAC 1DVD
  152. Garritan Jazz and Big Band KONTAKT PC 1DVD
  153. Heavyocity Evolve KONTAKT PC MAC 2DVD
  154. Horror Sound FX Korku Sesleri WAV1DVD
  155. IK Multimedia Miroslav Philharmonik v1.1 PC MAC 2DVD
  156. IK Multimedia Sample Moog PC 2DVD
  157. ILIO - Dirk Campbell Origins EXS24 1DVD
  158. Image Line FL Studio XXL Signature Bundle Complete v9.0.3 PC 1DVD
  159. Impact Soundworks Shreddage Electric Rhythm Guitar KONTAKT 1DVD
  160. Imperfect Samples Braunschweig Upright Piano Pro Edition NKI WAV EXS 4DVD
  161. Imperfect Samples Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand Complete Edition MULTIFORMAT 6DVD
  162. Imperfect Samples White Baby Grand Complete Edition NKI WAV EXS 6DVD
  163. Indiginus Acoustic Guitar Collection KONTAKT 1DVD
  164. Indiginus Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer KONTAKT 1DVD
  165. Kirk Hunter Chamber Strings Emerald KONTAKT 1DVD
  166. Kirk Hunter Pop Rock Strings KONTAKT 2DVD
  167. Kirk Hunter Symphony Orchestra Emerald KONTAKT 4DVD
  168. Kong Audio Chineekong 2.9 PC1DVD
  169. LA Scoring Strings Library KONTAKT PC MAC 10DVD
  170. Larry Seyer Acoustic Drums GIGA 2DVD
  171. MakeMusic Finale 2010 v15.0 PC 1DVD
  172. ManyTone ManyBass PC 1DVD
  173. MicroHammer Berimbau 1DVD
  174. Microhammer Bundle KONTAKT 1DVD
  175. Native Instruments Abbey Road 70s Drums KONTAKT 2DVD
  176. Native Instruments Abbey Road 80s Drums KONTAKT 2DVD
  177. Native Instruments Abbey Road Modern Drums KONTAKT 2DVD
  178. Native Instruments Classic Piano Collection: BERLIN/NY/VIENNA/UPRIGHT PIANOS KONTAKT PC MAC 4DVD Dual Layer
  179. Native Instruments Evolve Mutations 2 KONTAKT 1DVD
  180. Native Instruments Evolve Mutations KONTAKT 1DVD
  181. Native Instruments George Duke Soul Treasures KONTAKT 2DVD
  182. Native Instruments Komplete 5 KONTAKT PC MAC 17DVD
  183. Native Instruments Komplete 6 KONTAKT PC MAC 15DVD
  184. Native Instruments Komplete 7 KONTAKT PC MAC 27DVD
  185. Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.2 STANDALONE PC (32Bit Only) & MAC 1DVD
  186. Native Instruments KORE 2.0 KONTAKT PC MAC 2DVD
  187. Native Instruments KORE Line Essential Bass KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
  188. Native Instruments KORE Line Expansion Collection 1DVD
  189. Native Instruments KORE North India KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
  190. Native Instruments KORE SoundPack Urban Arsenal 2 PC 1DVD
  191. Native Instruments Scarbee Jay-Bass KONTAKT 1DVD
  192. Native Instruments Scarbee Pre Bass Amped KONTAKT 4DVD
  193. Native Instruments Synthetic Drums 2 1DVD
  194. Native Instruments Synthetic Drums Reloaded KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
  195. Native Instruments The Mouth 100 KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
  196. Nine Volt Audio - Funky Rex Guitars Interlocked Groove Edition MULTIFORMAT DVDR 1DVD
  197. Peter Ewers Symphonic Organ Samples SOS-2 GiGA 3DVD
  198. Pocaloid 2 PC 1DVD
  199. Project Sam - True Strike 1 2DVD
  200. Project Sam - True Strike 2 2DVD
  201. Project Sam - True Strike 3 2DVD
  202. Project Sam - True Strike 4 1DVD
  203. Project Sam Horns GIGA 1DVD
  204. Project Sam Orchestral Brass Classic KONTAKT PC 1DVD
  205. Project Sam Trombones GIGA 1DVD
  206. Project Sam True Strike 1 GIGA 1DVD
  207. Project Sam True Strike 2 WAV 2DVD
  208. Prominy LPC Electric Clean Guitar KONTAKT PC MAC 2DVD
  209. Prominy LPC Electric Distortion KONTAKT PC MAC 2DVD
  210. Prominy PCP-80 PC 1DVD
  211. Prominy SC Electric Guitar KONTAKT PC MAC 17DVD
  212. Prominy SR5 Rock Bass KONTAKT PC MAC 3DVD
  213. Prosonic Studios Chord Progressions 4 Voices Common, Complex, Major And Minor Arpeggio Patterns MIDI 1DVD
  214. Rob Papen Bundle PC 1DVD
  215. Sample Logic Ambience Impacts Rhythms KONTAKT PC MAC 2DVD
  216. Sample Logic Cinematic Guitars KONTAKT PC MAC 2DVD
  217. Sample Logic Synergy KONTAKT PC MAC 5DVD
  218. Sample Logic The Elements KONTAKT PC MAC 4DVD
  219. Sample Logic Vuvuzela KONTAKT 1DVD
  220. Sample Logic WaterHarp KONTAKT 1DVD
  221. Sample Modeling Mr.Sax-T KONTAKT PC 1DVD
  222. Sample Modeling The Sax Brothers KONTAKT 1DVD
  223. Sample Modeling The Trombone KONTAKT 1DVD
  224. Sample Modeling The Trumpet v1.0 MAC OSX 1DVD
  225. Sonart Audio Deluxe Series MULTIFORMAT 2DVD
  226. Sonart Audio Jazz Series MULTIFORMAT 5DVD
  227. Sonart Audio Venice Instrumets Series MULTIFORMAT 7DVD
  228. Sonic Flavours Hip Hop Flavours MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  229. Sonic Reality R.A.W. Universal Groove Kit WAV REX AiFF 4DVD
  230. Sonic Couture Abstrakt Breaks Vol.1 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  231. Sonic Couture Abstrakt Breaks Vol.2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  232. Sonic Couture Abstrakt Konkrete MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  233. Sonic Couture Abstrakt Konkrete Vol.2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  234. Sonic Couture Array Mbira KONTAKT 1DVD
  235. Sonic Couture Balinese Gamelan KONTAKT PC MAC 5DVD
  236. Sonic Couture Bowed Gamelan MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  237. Sonic Couture Bowed Piano MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  238. Sonic Couture Devilfish MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  239. Sonic Couture eBow Guitar EXS24 KONTAKT 1DVD
  240. Sonic Couture Glass Works KONTAKT 2DVD
  241. Sonic Couture Gu Zheng [Ableton Live Plugin] 1DVD
  242. Sonic Couture Gu Zheng KONTAKT 1DVD
  243. Sonic Couture Hang Drum KONTAKT PC 1DVD
  244. Sonic Couture Kim EXS24 KONTAKT 1DVD
  245. Sonic Couture Morpheus KONTAKT 1DVD
  246. Sonic Couture Novachord KONTAKT 1DVD
  247. Sonic Couture Scriptorium 1DVD
  248. Sonic Couture Synthi AKS KONTAKT EXS24 1DVD
  249. Sonic Couture The Skiddaw Stones KONTAKT 1DVD
  250. Sonic CoutureTingklik MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  251. Sonic Couture Tremors MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  252. Sonic Couture Xtended Piano KONTAKT 1DVD
  253. Sonivox Complete All 45 Bundle PC 2DVD
  254. Sonivox FlyingHand Percussion 1DVD
  255. Sonokinetic Desert Voice KONTAKT 2DVD
  256. Sonokinetic Tigris & Euphrat (Voices Of The Ottoman Empire) KONTAKT 1DVD
  257. Spectrasonics ATMOSPHERE PC 1DVD
  258. Spectrasonics Stylus RMX PC MAC 2DVD
  259. Spectrasonics Symphony Of Voices AKAI/Emu ROLAND 1DVD
  260. Spectrasonics Trilogy PC 1DVD
  261. Spectrasonics Vocal Planet AKAI 1DVD
  262. Steinberg Groove Agent 2 PC 1DVD
  263. Steinberg HALion v3.5 PC 1DVD
  264. Steinberg Hypersonic II PC 1DVD
  265. Steinberg The Grand 2 PC 1DVD
  266. Stlyus RMX Library+Update+Video Tutorial 4DVD
  267. Synthogy Ivory Italian Grand Expansion PC 5DVD
  268. Tonehammer Alien Drum KONTAKT 1DVD
  269. Tonehammer Ambius Vol.1 Transmissions KONTAKT 1DVD
  270. Tonehammer Bamblong KONTAKT 1DVD
  271. Tonehammer Bamboo Stick Ensemble KONTAKT 1DVD
  272. Tonehammer Bamboo Stick Ensemble KONTAKT 1DVD
  273. Tonehammer Bongajon KONTAKT 1DVD
  274. Tonehammer Cajongo KONTAKT 1DVD
  275. Tonehammer Cylindrum KONTAKT 1DVD
  276. Tonehammer Didgeridoo KONTAKT 1DVD
  277. Tonehammer Emotional Piano KONTAKT 2DVD
  278. Tonehammer Epic Guitars Vol.1 KONTAKT 1DVD
  279. ToneHammer Epic Tom Ensemble Proper Incl.Vol.1,Vol.2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  280. Tonehammer Epich Dhol Vol.1 KONTAKT 1DVD
  281. Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Barbary KONTAKT 1DVD
  282. Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Cait KONTAKT 1DVD
  283. Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Francesca KONTAKT 1DVD
  284. Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Terrie KONTAKT 1DVD
  285. Tonehammer Frendo KONTAKT 1DVD
  286. Tonehammer Gnomehammer 1DVD
  287. Tonehammer High School Drum Corps KONTAKT 1DVD
  288. Tonehammer Kalimba WAV 1DVD
  289. Tonehammer Lakeside Organ EXS24 KONTAKT 1DVD
  290. Tonehammer Little Epic Percussion KONTAKT 1DVD
  291. Tonehammer Little Pump Reeds MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  292. Tonehammer Old Busted Granny Piano KONTAKT 1DVD
  293. Tonehammer Plucked Grand Piano KONTAKT 1DVD
  294. Tonehammer Propanium KONTAKT 1DVD
  295. Tonehammer Requiem Light KONTAKT 1DVD
  296. Tonehammer Rust Vol.2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  297. Tonehammer Shake MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  298. Tonehammer Small Epic Percussion KONTAKT 1DVD
  299. Tonehammer Tablas v2 MULTIFORMAT 1DVD
  300. Tonehammer Tablas Vol.1 Loops EXS24 KONTAKT 1DVD
  301. Tonehammer Waterphone KONTAKT 1DVD
  302. Tonehammer Whale Drum KONTAKT 1DVD
  303. Tonehammer Zitherette WAV KONTAKT 1DVD
  304. Toontrack Beatstation PC MAC 1DVD
  305. Ueberschall - Soundscapes 1DVD
  306. Ueberschall 60s a GoGo ELASTIK 1DVD
  307. Ueberschall 80s Punk And New Wave ELASTIK 1DVD
  308. Ueberschall Art Of Sounds ELASTIK 1DVD
  309. Ueberschall Balkan Lines ELASTIK 1DVD
  310. Ueberschall C.R.U.N.K Southern Storm ELASTIK 1DVD
  311. Ueberschall Chillers Joint ELASTIK 1DVD
  312. Ueberschall Club Toolz ELASTIK 1DVD
  313. Ueberschall Crunkzilla ELASTIK 1DVD
  314. Ueberschall Dancehall Madness ELASTIK 1DVD
  315. Ueberschall Electro ID ELASTIK 1DVD
  316. Ueberschall Electro Producer Pack 1 ELASTIK 1DVD
  317. Ueberschall Electro Producer Pack 2 ELASTIK 1DVD
  318. Ueberschall Electrolines LIQUID PC 1DVD
  319. Ueberschall Finest R&B ELASTIK 1DVD
  320. Ueberschall Groove Shadow ELASTIK 1DVD
  321. Ueberschall Hardtechno Vs Schranz ELASTIK 1DVD
  322. Ueberschall Hip Hop Underground ELASTIK 1DVD
  323. Ueberschall Liquid Horn Section LIQUID PC 1DVD
  324. Ueberschall Liquid Instruments Adlibs LIQUID PC 1DVD
  325. Ueberschall Liquid Instruments Ambient Works LIQUID PC 1DVD
  326. Ueberschall Liquid Instruments Score FX LIQUID 2DVD
  327. Ueberschall Liquid The Voice Vol.1 LIQUID PC 1DVD
  328. Ueberschall Liquid The Voice Vol.2 LIQUID PC 1DVD
  329. Ueberschall LoungeOramA ELASTIK 1DVD
  330. Ueberschall Minimal House ELASTIK 1DVD
  331. Ueberschall Minimal Techno ELASTIK 1DVD
  332. Ueberschall Pop Music ELASTIK 1DVD
  333. Ueberschall Pure Fire ELASTIK 1DVD
  334. Ueberschall Reggae Fundamental ELASTIK 1DVD
  335. Ueberschall RetroFit Series Sensory Disruption ELASTIK 1DVD
  336. Ueberschall Sounds of Berlin PC 1DVD
  337. Ueberschall Supreme Styles PC 1DVD
  338. Ueberschall The Resource ELASTIK 2DVD
  339. Ueberschall Trance ID 2 ELASTIK 1DVD
  340. Ueberschall Trance ID ELASTIK 1DVD
  341. Ueberschall Urban Jointz ELASTIK 1DVD
  342. Ueberschall Urbanic Producer Pack 2 ELASTIK 1DVD
  343. Ueberschall VLP120 ELASTIK 1DVD
  344. Vir2 Instruments Acoustic Legends HD KONTAKT PC 5DVD
  345. Vir2 Instruments Bassist KONTAKT PC MAC 2DVD
  346. Vir2 Instruments E.O.P KONTAKT PC MAC 3DVD
  347. Vir2 Instruments Mojo Horn Section KONTAKT PC MAC 4DVD
  348. Vir2 Instruments syntAX KONTAKT PC MAC 1DVD
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