Saturday, 14 April 2012

Paket 46 Prominy SC Electric Guitar KONTAKT PC MAC 17DVD

Paket 46 
Prominy SC Electric Guitar KONTAKT PC MAC 
17DVD 215rb
Hemat 40rb!!

                                                                                               Prominy have put 64GB of lovingly sampled Stratocaster   
into their SC instrument.  
That’s a lot of Stratocaster — so does the end justify the means?

Ilove guitars — but sadly, I never learned how to play them. Do I hear sighs of relief? It’s just as well, then, that various acoustic and electric guitar-oriented virtual instruments have been appearing on the market — perfect toys to satisfy the urges of would-be axe-thrashers like me. Japanese company Prominy’s latest offering on this theme is SC Electric Guitar, a sample-based virtual instrument dedicated to reproducing the iconic sound of the Fender Stratocaster in some considerable detail.
To get an idea of SCEG’s true metier, it’s well worth catching the impressive video and audio demos on Prominy’s web site — they’re performed by SCEG’s creator, Akihito Okawa. The overtly rock and heavy metal stylings make it quite clear where Mr Okawa is coming from! If you’re interested in emulating expressive, overdriven rock guitar performances, then SCEG could be just what you’ve been looking for.


Just some of the 24 instruments that make up the ‘SC_SPM_lite’ Multi.
Prominy have opted for NI’s Kontakt Player 2 playback engine to host the sizeable 64GB, 44.1kHz/24-bit sample library that forms the heart of SCEG. Yes, it’s big, particularly when compared to the 893MB library that drives RealStrat — but then the operational concepts behind SCEG are rather different. And despite using disk streaming, SCEG demands sample memory. Lots of sample memory.
The requisite Kontakt Player 2 is supplied on Disc One of the 10-disc set, and this needs to be installed if you don’t already have it on your system. During the install, you are asked to choose the location of the core library, which you may prefer to be on an external hard drive. After that, it’s time to make a nice pot of tea, grab some biccies and settle down with this month’s issue of SOS while you copy across the nine dual-layer DVDs.
As with all Kontakt Player-hosted instruments, SCEG must be activated using the NI Service Centre application (also included on Disc One), after which it becomes accessible from the Kontakt Player’s browser pane, along with any other previously activated Kontakt Player instruments you might own.

Grasping The Concept

A High Velocity instrument, showing the four keyswitchable ranges.
In order to reproduce convincingly realistic guitar performances, you need instantaneous access to many different articulations and playing techniques, all in real time. This is the main thrust of SCEG: to deliver a high degree of control and playability in live performance, as well as the speedy construction of authentic-sounding guitar parts in a sequencing environment.
The basic method used to accomplish this would seem to be fairly straightforward — all the required articulations are loaded into a Kontakt Player Multi as individual ‘instruments’, all responding to the same MIDI channel, and keyswitches are used to provide instant access to any of those articulations. Sounds simple in principle, doesn’t it? But without more specific rules, notes could interconnect unnaturally or hang across each other, and inappropriate noises might trigger at the wrong times — in short, a train wreck! The changes between articulations therefore need to be seamless and transparent.
Let’s examine how SCEG combines the various elements to create a unified and playable instrument, and how the different parts of the library are organised.

Under The Hood
Kontakt Player presents SCEG’s sound library as two main categories: Instruments and Multis. The latter contains ready-made, performable guitar setups (called Super Performance Multis, or SPMs) and full chord sets. The best way to appreciate what’s going on under the hood is to load a Multi (the most RAM-efficient Multi) and check out what the component parts are doing.
The first menu choice we are presented with is ‘bridge, middle, neck or switchable’. This gives an indication as to why SCEG’s library is so large — every noise and articulation has been sampled three times over for each pickup, using a Strat that was specially modified with separate outputs for each pickup. This enabled each performance to be sampled from all three pickups simultaneously, then edited identically to guarantee phase accuracy between all three sets of samples. For our RAM’s and our sanity’s sake, we’ll just choose a single pickup for now, and the ‘SC_SPM_lite’ Multi.
Once loaded, Kontakt Player is populated with 24 different instruments (ie. articulations), spread across two pages. All this to represent one guitar! The instruments that make up this Multi comprise four types: Main, High Velocity, Release and Feedback. There is a fifth type not used by this particular Multi, called Pickup Selector. It’s not a playable sound as such, but a control module — more on which later.
Clicking on the ‘+’ sign in the right-hand corner of any instrument expands it to reveal a Performance View containing various controls appropriate to the type of instrument, and it immediately becomes apparent that Kontakt KSP scripts have been extensively used to enable instruments to respond to certain sets of conditions. Now let’s look at the first four instrument types.

The Main Instrument

The Pickup Selector module, used in switchable Multis.
‘Main’ instruments generally include articulations that constitute the main body of a sound when a key is played. These are all keyswitchable, so you can instantly change between principal articulations such as single notes, tremolo, 4th or 5th dyads and unison bends. These are all real, recorded performances — so simply pressing a single key will provide a genuine trill, a continuous tremolo or a unison bend, for example.
The default status of Main instruments is monophonic, and their samples continue to stream to their end after you release the keys, until you play a new note. This has two benefits: you only have to hit notes briefly to set them going, giving your hands extra time to hit keyswitches and move controllers, and it also makes for very smooth legato lines. You can stop notes without playing new ones by hitting one of the two Stop keys, located below the instrument’s lowest playing range.
The Single Note (melody) instruments can also be played polyphonically — either temporarily by pressing the sustain pedal, or permanently by manually defeating the Auto Sustain function. Picking direction can either be set to vary automatically according to sequencer tempo and to different resolutions, or forced to change with alternating notes, or forced to play only downstrokes or upstrokes.
The modulation wheel is generally used to change between the current Main articulation, palm mutes and pick noises. Values of zero to 31 play the main sound, 32 selects palm mutes, and increasing the value from there progressively crossfades between palm mutes and picking noise.
Finally, the default velocity range of Main instruments is between one and 125. Play higher velocities and you won’t hear anything — because the last two values, 126 and 127, are intended for the next type of instrument...

Other Instrument Types
High Velocity instruments, as the term suggests, are those that trigger at velocities of 126 and 127. Typically these could be picking harmonics, but could also be an upward glissando or a whammy-bar harmonic. Their velocity range can be changed — but bear in mind that you must also adjust the velocity range of all the Main instruments accordingly to avoid velocity range overlaps or ‘holes’.
Feedback instruments do what their name suggests: holding any note of a Main instrument for longer than a certain time causes the main sound to fade and be replaced by feedback when the key is released — devastatingly effective with heavily overdriven amp simulator settings. Be sure to hit a Stop key if you end a phrase with some feedback, or it will continue indefinitely!
Release instruments include fret noises, position change noises, bridge mutes and glisses. These are triggered, unsurprisingly, when a key is released, and can be configured to operate full-time for certain instruments using keyswitch ranges. Alternatively, they can be triggered on demand by either the Hold or Stop keys.
Confused? It’s hardly surprising, yet it all falls easily into place once you’ve played around with SCEG for a while. You’ll soon be flying around the keyboard, knocking out full-shred heavy power-chord grooves and blisteringly realistic solos.

Memory Loss

Expanded view of a Main instrument (top) and two pages of further parameter options. The bottom page is only needed if the instrument is used in a multi-pickup SPM setup.
You may find one single-pickup ‘SC_SPM_lite’ Multi program to be more than adequately equipped to produce great guitar tracks. However, these Multis are the least demanding on your computer’s RAM, even though they eat up 354MB. Without disk streaming, I dread to think how much memory they would consume. The non-lite versions use even more — which brings us to the Grandaddy of Multis, the pickup-switchable ‘bmn_SPM_001’ program. This loads almost all the standard SPM articulations three times over, providing bridge, middle and neck pickup variations.
This Multi makes use of the fifth instrument type, the Pickup Selector. Pickups are selected via the ever-present keyswitches. Five pickup choices are possible in SCEG, as it allows for bridge/middle and middle/neck combinations as well. Not only can the pickups’ relative levels be adjusted, but each pickup has a high-cut tone control.
However, this monster-sized SPM was too much for my computer to handle — after five minutes of loading, it threw up a ‘cannot allocate enough memory’ message before it aborted the load. Trying again after booting Windows into ‘3GB Switch’ mode and providing Sonar with a vital extra 1GB of RAM, ‘bmn_SPM_001’ loaded successfully, taking around six minutes to complete. Kontakt Player 2 showed that 1.61GB of sample data had been loaded into RAM, and checking the total RAM usage in Windows Task Manager showed a whopping 2.17GB — so no surprise then that it wouldn’t load with the XP default of only 2GB! Even using the 3GB Switch, I wouldn’t fancy my chances of loading much more in the way of sample data. The upshot is that if you want to have the full SCEG experience and still be able to load any significant additional sample data, you’ll need to be running Vista with upwards of 4GB of RAM.

Feeling Braver?
If you only wish to use a small number of articulations, you can create your own Multi from the SPM instruments that are found in the Instruments folder. This folder contains not only all the possible SPM articulations that can make up a Multi, but also Chord instruments and Normal instruments. The Normal types are essentially ‘raw’ versions of the SPM articulations, and are broken down into submenus of progressively more simplified patches. However, the Normal types have no KSP scripts, and consequently are best used as add-ons to an SPM.
SCEG can also be loaded into the full version of Kontakt 2 or 3, and there the opportunity exists for brave souls to write their own KSP scripts for Normal instruments.

Lightening The Load
There are various ways to reduce the impact SCEG can have on your computer and to help you find your way around. Firstly, any unused articulations in a loaded SPM Multi can be removed to free up RAM. Alternatively, only load the articulations you need at the outset. In certain circumstances you could use Kontakt Player’s Purge function to clear out all unplayed samples from RAM — but be careful of this with certain instruments that use randomised samples, as the chances are that some notes may be missing on subsequent playback.
To help with the initial learning curve, you may also find it useful to place a scribble strip or sticky labels above your keyboard with the keyswitches marked out. It’s easy to get lost at first, but it does sink in eventually! On that note, some video tutorials covering playing techniques would not go amiss, as well as some tips on how to set up your own Multis. The PDF manual explains what all the components are, but offers little practical help otherwise, leaving the user to work out why the instrument they’ve just loaded doesn’t seem to make any sound.

Despite the quoted system requirements of 1GB RAM, I wouldn’t recommend trying to use SCEG with any less than 2GB, particularly if you plan on using it alongside other sample-based plug-ins. However, with careful planning it can still deliver great results on a 2GB machine.
As a musical tool, SC Electric Guitar is most suited to heavily overdriven guitar performances, and this becomes evident when playing it on ‘clean’ amp settings. The volume discrepancies between velocity levels are quite disproportionate, suggesting that levels have been carefully chosen to produce the optimum dynamic response when overdriven.
Once again, I recommend watching Akihito Okawa’s video demos. He makes it all look totally effortless, and once you get the hang of SCEG, you’ll soon find performing on SCEG comes very naturally. And all of Prominy’s attention to detail certainly pays off — when used with a good amp simulation, SC Electric Guitar sounds fan-bloody-tastic!  0

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Saturday, 7 April 2012

Paket 45 Native Instruments KOMPLETE 6

Paket 45 
Native Instruments Komplete 6
15DVD 190rb
Hemat 35rb !!

The NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 6 includes Kontakt 4, Absynth 5, Guitar Rig Pro, Reaktor 5, Massive, FM8 and Battery 3.
The NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 6 is the latest version of the high-end collection, featuring synthesizers, samplers, vintage keyboards, virtual guitar, sound effects and more.
KOMPLETE 6 brings you all the sounds you need to produce complete music productions in the highest studio quality.

  • Includes award-winning software products in their latest versions: Kontakt 4, Absynth 5, Guitar Rig Pro, Reaktor 5, Massive, FM8 and Battery 3
  • Huge selection of presets covering the entire musical spectrum - all ready to play
  • Over 7,500 presets have been categorized as KoreSounds® and pre-configured for use with KORE
  • Suited for music production, live performance, instrument and sound design
  • High-quality audio engines deliver perfect sound quality
  • Includes sample libraries with over 60 GB of professional samples
  • Unlimited possibilities to create new sounds
  • Intuitive control interfaces for fast and efficient workflows
  • All instruments run stand-alone, ideal for live performances
  • Supports all major plug-in and sample formats for perfect integration in all professional recording environments
  • Supported Formats: Stand-alone, Audio Units™, VST®, RTAS®(Pro Tools 7/8), ASIO®, Core Audio™, Core MIDI™, DirectSound™
  • Windows® System Requirements: XP (SP2, 32bit) ) /Vista® (32/64bit), Windows 7® (32/64 Bit), Pentium® or Athlon XP 1.4 GHz, 1 GB RAM
  • Mac System Requirements: MACOS® X 10.5, Intel® Core™ Duo 1.66 GHz, 1 GB RAM
  • 4.5 GB free disc space / 65 GB for complete installation, DVD drive 

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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Masih Seputar Instalasi Software

Sesekali ada Costumer yg SMS menanyakan Nomer Seri atau Serial Number dr software yg akan di instal.Ada yg baik2 ada pula yg tdk baik2 tapi dua2nya jg salah karena di Tab Cara Memesan sdh diberitahu jika ingin nanya2 tdk lwt SMS krn SMS hanya utk yg Order/Pesan sj karena nantinya akan mengganggu "Lalu Lintas" Orderan & itu sering terbukti banyak SMS Orderan yg terlambat masuk & terlambat direspon krn terganggu oleh SMS yg nanya2 itu.

Itu kesalahan pertama,kesalahan kedua yaitu ketidak telitian & ketidak sabaran buyer jg. Belum diperiksa secara teliti sudah langsung nanya padahal setiap Software yg dijual sudah pasti bisa di instal & sdh pasti ada SN nya tp krn tdk teliti & tdk sabar ,ga mau cari dl & ingin gampangnya sj jd blm apa2 langsung nanya & ada jg langsung nuduh bhw softwarenya tdk lengkap padahal di Tab Cara Memesan sdh diberitahu jg bahwa sy tdk melayani pertanyaan seputar Cara Instal & Cara Memakai Software.Use it on your own risk!

Biasanya yg begitu itu adalah Para Newbie atau Nubi yg masih baru dlm mengenal dunia software ( & belinya dikit, soalnya yg banyak ga pernah ada yg nanya2..udh dikit pake nawar lg,padahal udh dibantu dgn hrg yg super murah ..capek deh) sehingga blm banyak pengalaman & blm paham dgn software yg akan dipakainya.Menginstalnya sj sdh bingung apalagi memakainya ya?hehehe

Serial Number ada yg di Notepad & disimpan dlm bentuk File Rar yg hrs dibuka tau diextract dl dgn software Rar.Ada yg langsung Nomer Seri atau Serial Number (disingkat SN) ada jg Serial Number yg berbentuk file Key Generator atau disingkat Keygen.

Tidak semua software memakai SN,ada jg software yg hrs di Update memakai Updaternya supaya bisa berjalan,contohnya BFD 2.
BFD 2 memang tdk memakai Serial Number tetapi ketika menginstal Setupnya langsung diteruskan dengan menginstal Updaternya karena jika tdk , ketika dibuka maka akan meminta SN nya.

Ada jg yg memakai Patch,jd ketika selesai instal Setup sebelum dibuka Patchernya hrs di Patching dl.

Ada jg yg memakai sistem Aktifasi.Nah banyak yg terjebak dgn sistem Aktifasi ini,terutama Para Nubi.Ketika telah selesai menginstal Setup & programnya dibuka lalu muncul permintaan aktifasi ada jg yg kebingungan & tdk tau cara mengaktifasinya.Ada yg menganggap softwarenya tdk Full Version , ada yg bilang tdk ada Aktivatornya, ada yg nemuin Aktivatornya tp salah caranya sehingga mengaktifasi secara Online.

Semua software yg dijual sdh diTes dl jd sdh pasti bisa jalan tapi kita harus tau cara menginstalnya yg benar.

Software Crackan ada yg berbeda dgn software ori dlm penginstalannya.

Aktifator software biasanya terdpat di Keygen.Ada software yg  Keygennya hanya utk mengeluarkan Nomer Seri sj sesuai kebutuhan software yg akan di instal ada jg yg mengeluarkan Nomer Aktifasi.
Biasanya Para Nubi kesulitan dlm mendapatkan Nomer Aktifasi ini & jg salah dlm menentukan pilihan aktifasi.Dengan sedikit usaha & kecermatan, Nomer Aktifasi yg sdh ada itu bisa didapat & dipakai.Caranya bagaimana?

Saya lebih senang memakai peribahasa" Lebih baik memberi kail daripada memberi ikan" krn dgn memberi kail berarti kita bisa mencari ikan dmn sj & sebanyak yg kita mau sedangkan jika memberi ikan berarti terbatas & hanya "Menyuapi" sj tdk mendidik utk menjadi org yg mau berusaha utk mendapatkan yg kita inginkan.

Nanti akan sy lanjutkan lagi jika dirasa ada hal2 yg penting yg masih hrs dibahas lagi jd utk sekarang ini silakan perbanyak "Jam Terbang" anda dlm memakai software terutama mengInstalnya maka nanti dengan sendirinya anda akan tau cara2 Instalasi dari jenis2 software yg ada.Ayo kamu pasti bisa!

Tambahan :

Kesalahan umum lainnya dlm menginstal software yaitu tdk bisa membedakan software mana yg bisa langsung di instal dr dvd & software mana yg lebih baik di instal dr harddisk.
Software2 yg ukurannya kecil biasanya lebih gampang di instal dr DVD krn kemungkinan error atau meleset dr DVDRom dlm membaca data yg ada di dalamnya lebih sedikit.Sedangkan software yg ukurannya besar lebih baik dicopy ke harddisk dgn menggunakan software Image Maker seperti Alcohol sehingga ketika sdh berada dlm hardisk proses pengInstalan menjadi lebih cepat & lancar krn tdk akan terjadi kegagalan membaca data seperti yg terjadi jika memakai DVDRom.
Kombinasi merek & kualitas dari DVDRom & Kompatibilitasnya sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan Baca DVDRom yg dipakai.
Seringkali terjadi Error atau malah DVD tdk bisa dibaca sama sekali krn tdk Kompatibel & sering jg terjadi ada Failled (gagal) dlm Membaca ketika DVDRom sedang membaca DVD yg jumlah ukurannya besar krn kemampuan Baca dr DVDRomnya sudah menurun karena jumlah jam pemakaian yg sdh banyak sehingga kualitas Optic yg membacanya jg sdh menurun.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Paket 44 Classic Piano Collection

Paket 44 
Classic Piano Collection
8dvd 90rb
Hemat 30rb!

Native Instruments Upright Piano, Berlin Concert Grand, New York Concert Grand, 
Vienna Concert Grand

The world's most revered pianos are based on the award-winning and extremely powerful Native Instruments sampling engine, guaranteeing a completely realistic and reliable reproduction of the originals. The keys, including the full sustain and release phases, were sampled at ten different velocities. A specially designed recording technique ensured that the different velocities remained uniform throughout the recording process, delivering exceptionally linear results. High-end microphones and audio equipment delivered the best possible quality of recorded material while the Layer Morphing Technology generates a seamless dynamic gradient across the different velocity layers.

The Upright Piano is ideal for productions that derive their charm from little eccentricities and imperfections. When something other than the "perfect" piano sound is required, this Powered by Kontakt instrument offers a distinctly charismatic signature sound - perfect for use in a broad range of styles including blues, jazz, country, pop and rock. Adapted from Native Instruments' legendary AKOUSTIK PIANO software and manufactured with the same attention to detail as the BERLIN, VIENNA and NEW YORK grands, this is an instrument that sounds original in every way.

The Berlin Concer Grand is an exceptional instrument. Derived from Native Instruments' legendary AKOUSTIK PIANO software, its structural transparency, balanced register, and poetic and original style are the definitive characteristics of this concert piano. Sophisticated recording techniques using high-end equipment provided the raw material for the award-winning KONTAKT sample engine, ensuring the BERLIN CONCERT GRAND is indistinguishable from the original.

With the New York Concert Grand Native Instruments presents a high definition reproduction of the Big Apple's most popular contemporary concert grand. Adapted from Native Instruments' legendary AKOUSTIK PIANO software, this recording captures a particularly special three-year-old piano in excellent condition, maintained by top specialists. Indistinguishable from the original in expression and authenticity, this KONTAKT instrument belongs to an elite club of outstanding re-creations.

The Vienna Concert Grand reproduces in the finest detail the sound of the legendary Viennese piano. Adapted from Native Instruments legendary AKOUSTIK PIANO software and featuring high-quality recording of ten velocity layers per key this KONTAKT instrument produces a sound indistinguishable from the original for expression and authenticity.

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Sunday, 1 April 2012

Paket 43 Chris Hein Guitar & Bass

Paket 43 
Best Service Chris Heins Guitar & Bass KONTAKT 
9 dvd 110rb
Hemat 25rb!!!

Chris Hein Guitars . An outstanding, sampled virtual guitar library. Thousands of samples, many articulations and dynamics all in one preset per instrument.
With approximately 40,000 samples and 18GB of content, Chris Hein Guitars is the largest available guitar library. Integrated with Native Instrument's Kontakt 2, Chris Hein Guitars are now easier to control.

Chris Hein Guitars Main Features:

NI Kontakt 2 player included
40.000 Samples, 18 GB content
3.000 - 6.000 samples per instrument
Over 30 articulations in one preset
Up to 13 velocities
70 intelligent midicontroller

E-Guitar Clean
E-Guitar Blues
E-Guitar Chorus
Jazz Guitar Plectrum
Jazz Guitar Finger
Steel Guitar Plectrum
Nylon Guitar Finger

Chris Hein - Bass is a Kontakt 2 Player based bass guitar sampled virtual instrument. It took more than a year for Chris Hein to produce this collection of six noble bass instruments - a Musicman Stingray electric-bass picked & slapped, a LeFay fretless bass and a unique upright bass with three different sets of strings: steel-strings (the classic jazz sound), nylon-strings (the high-fidelity sound) and gut-strings (the old-school swing sound of the 40s).

All nuances of bass playing techniques are implemented in this sampled virtual instrument. It offers 112 MIDI controllable features including things like repetition-hotkeys, keys-vibrato, fall-control, bridge/center playing, pickup micro-blending, expression-samples, pinch-harmonics, automatic-mode, slide-mode, chord-mode and much more.

The included IK Multimedia Ampeg SVX Uno (virtual bass-amp) adds more sound variations to the natural, basic, bass instruments.

12.7 GB of natural bass sounds.
Up to 4,089 samples per sound.
Native Instruments Kontakt 2 Player engine.
Up to 42 articulations.
Up to 8 velocity layers.
112 MIDI controllable parameters with total recall.
Repetition hotkeys.
Key vibrato.
Four release controls.
Fall control.
Bridge-/center playing.
Pickup micro-blending (upright basses).
Pinch harmonics (electric basses).
Expression samples.
Automatic-, slide- and chord-mode.

Ampeg SVX Uno offers:
1 signature Ampeg bass-amp model with pre-amp, EQ, limiter and 9-band graphic EQ.
1 cabinet model.
Microphone modeling.
1 stomp effect (chorus).
High-precision tuner.
Speed trainer.
Plug-In and standalone version.
Qualifies for up- or cross-grades to Ampeg SVX Full version or any other IK Multimedia product.

System Requirements:
18 GB Free Hard Disc Space, DVD Drive

Mininum Requirements:
Windows XP, Pentium 1GHz/Athlon XP 1.4 GHz, 512 MB RAM
Mac OS 10.2.6 or higher, G4 800 MHz, 512 MB RAM
DVD drive 

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Paket 42 Spectrasonic Stylus RMX

Paket 42 
Spectrasonic Stylus RMX PC MAC
Stylus RMX Library + Update
7dvd 90rb
Hemat 30rb!!!


Featuring the Spectrasonics Advanced Groove Engine!

Stylus RMX is a completely new groove-based virtual instrument plug-in for Macintosh and Windows. Stylus RMX is the first product to offer the combined power of Groove ControlTM with Spectrasonics Advanced Groove Engine (S.A.G.E.TM) technology giving users dramatic new control over groove production and performance.

Spectrasonics' in-house development team created the new instrument from the ground up, with dozens of new features including the ground-breaking Chaos DesignerTM, a completely redesigned multi-page user interface, a new core library of sounds, all with a focus on realtime groove creation and performance.

New Core library
The massive new 7.4 gigabyte core-library in Stylus RMX has thousands of cutting-edge grooves and sounds that were created by Spectrasonics' international sound design team, and produced by Eric Persing. The new core library contains nearly triple the amount of sounds originally offered in the original Stylus, and contains all the original material as well. The new sounds and grooves in Stylus RMX offer a much wider range of modern musical genres than the original Stylus. Mixes of grooves are broken down into individual tracks called Elements for flexibility and infinite combinations.

Also new in Stylus RMX are thousands of new Kit modules, 250 Kit patches, as well as user Kit construction....Users can create their own customized multitrack remix grooves and kits, save them into the plug-in, and even share them with other Stylus RMX users on different platforms and hosts. RMX 1.5 even comes with 500 new Multi grooves!

Stylus RMX marks Spectrasonics' first expandable virtual instrument, with a series of five new "S.A.G.E. Xpanders" for Stylus RMX. Stylus RMX also can be expanded with existing Groove Control CD-ROM libraries and even REX files - which opens the door for musicians to utilize their own audio loops within the powerful S.A.G.E. Environment.

Chaos DesignerTM
Of the many new capabilities in Stylus RMX, possibly the most innovative feature is the Chaos DesignerTM. With simple controls, the user can introduce musical Chaos into the groove, which allows it to have constantly evolving variations - giving the impression that the audio grooves are improvising. The results can be subtle or extreme by setting the simple to use controls. A Capture feature allows the spontaneous audio chaos patterns to be made into a MIDI file, dragged and dropped into the host sequencer, and played back again for further editing by the user.

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